OSOM Ventures is a freelance design company spreading social and cultural awareness. Our mission is to spark dialogue among the masses, through our product line and social content. As advocates of self-love and global solidarity, we are eager to collaborate with individuals and businesses that share our vision. We seek to be a part of something great!
Check out some of our most recent work with collaborators. These creative projects range from digital to print design.
- MAGIC Dance Arts
- Antonieta Edwards, Mindful Reflections journals
- Alpha Kappa Delta Phi, Mr. Pink Pageant
As the “marketing lever” of OSOM Ventures, our mission with Flight Clothes is to inspire an art and fashion movement that unearths the true American experience. The current landscape in America has changed for the worst. We seek to reverse this trend by forming a niche market of “awarel” that opens the lines of communication between those with vastly different perspectives. Check out our apparel, we would love to hear what you think!
OSOM Ventures (pronounced "awesome") is a grassroots design company
spreading social and cultural awareness. We pride ourselves on taking an edgy approach that sparks dialogue among the masses. As advocates of self-love and global solidarity, we collaborate with individuals and businesses that share
our vision.
In politics, we have more questions than answers. In social settings, we face more judgment than acceptance. In American culture, we see more hysteria than peace. OSOM Ventures seeks to reverse these trends and change cultural misconceptions. Now, more than ever, a change to the current landscape is necessary.
OSOM Ventures has worked with MAGIC Dance Arts, in varying capacities, since 2019. We truly believe in MAGIC's mission, establishing a neurodiverse community where all individuals have the opportunity to practice creative expression.
As a result, our pledge for 2020 and beyond is to donate $5 of every shirt purchase to MAGIC's General Fund. Contributions will help with all aspects of MAGIC. Whether its throwing a free community event like Summer Fest, or growing our organization, your donation helps so much! Let's #makeMAGIChappen!